Tuesday 17 April 2012

Love Letter to Zara

Dear Zara,

My obsession with your clothes has become something of a condition. I visit your site regularly, just browsing through (not in a stalking kind of way). I walk past your window on the weekends, staring admirably and lovingly at the beautifully dressed models in your window. 

I am completely in love with you, and most importantly, the stock that you hold. Your 'Fantasy Fabric Blazer' has caught my eye and the 'Printed Trousers' which I saw swinging over your rails are whispering in my ears everytime I walk past you.

I recently snapped up your 'I Basic Sandal' and now we cannot be apart for an evening, meanwhile the 'Printed Dress' that caught my eye this morning is now on its way to my closet - I just cannot wait for it to arrive.

It's unlikely that this love affair will end anytime soon - I just had to share my little secret with you.

All my love, 

Fantasy Fabric Blazer
Printed Trouser

I Basic Sandal

Printed Dress